
My day started with reading and ended, still doing the same thing….

It was supposed to be my first day in summer class but still I have many accountabilities that I can’t get through with registration. Alibi. Yes. Alibi. There are still pending things that I need to do before anything else; Integ paper. Talk with your adviser. Clarify your dorm dues. Pay your loan. (can’t it be accumulated and paid later???!!!)

What I did today was more of doing things for others. I was tasked by my sister to pay the water bills and bring an amount to my cousin. After that, I accompanied my cousin to a crowded shopping area. Actually, I sense fulfillment when I get to help my relatives when doing errands. It’s kinda sad that my happiness is just this low or maybe much sadder to ask, was I really happy doing that or I just seek not to have any other choice.

Other plans for the day is the pig-out session with my ever-roommates. It didn’t pushed through. My best friend turned the deal off. It was actually no big deal for I was with my cousin for the whole afternoon and night. Awhile ago, we planned it again. This time a sleepover. This has been planned for about four times and I hope this time this will be realize. Update on Monday to see.

The remaining hours of the day was spent at a mall’s bookstores. I bought three books from the secondhand store and nothing to the more famous one. P82.00 for three books. That’s a deal. ^^

As for state of my heart, well, I’m now trying to let go of the possibility of having a permanent one. If he’s the one, then he’s the one. He messaged me during the day. It was nothing worth responding for I sense that if I responded, I’ll have to wait for three more days for a reply. I can’t wait that long and be responded unwantedly.

Let’s see what will be my tomorrow. ^^


current wants

I’ll work, earn and have these:

Fuji X10 or Canon G12

Itouch or Samsung Galaxy tab or Sky Vega Racer 2

Laptop or netbook

Yikes so materialistic. 😛

As I grow older, this post has to be updated. I might not realized them all but at least I have come to know that there are some things I could do and would want to do with my life. (other than letting each day passed.) This list is in NO particular order. I’ll strikethrough as a I…..

  • go and watch the sunset at Angkor Wat

drawn sunset at Angkor Wat. have to go there to see the real picture. (from DevianArt)

  • witness the Auroras (borealis or australis)

borealis (left). australis (right).

  • publish a book

  • drive and earn with a jeepney the whole day
  • shopping spree for mama

  • meet 5 of my email pals or pen pals(andy, helen, taehoon, kyungsik, more…
  • build a mausoleum for papa
  • meet Lee Sung Min

  • build a sustainable farm

  • play a full piece with any instrument (guitar or piano)

  • island-hopping in the Philippines

  • community livelihood program i’ve helped to start
  • touch many lives (children, elderly, women, africa, laos, sarajevo)

pictures posted are credited to its owners (including mine.^^)

being gay and single

“Life is (was) like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get from it.” (Forrest Gump)

Today is St. Valentine’s day. It’s a day more for lovers than about love. A day for two people to be together, reminisce why they are together and to express how they will stay together. Its expressions range from gift-giving, dinner dating, etc. But then I came to realize that wasn’t what the day is all about.

Living in a dorm widened my perspective. Flowers were not just for lovers but for family members. As a (friend of a) student assistant, I have an access at the counter. We received the gifts and flowers brought to the residents. Without disrespecting the owners, we have to see the notes to know who the owners were. At periphery, we saw that a brother and a parents were the senders. You see some family are sweet enough to make their sister/daughter feel the ‘love’.

Also, when my friend and I talked about that day, we were nonchalant about it. We think that it’s a day that is overtly sensationalized by the media from the dates to be done by a couple up to the gifts to be given and to what the actors/actresses will be doing. It’s kinda tiring.

Then came… being aware that your single was not actually a burden nor an issue for me. I was more cared on the report that I have to present during the day and the stress brought by the hormones in my stomach.

Despite what I thought, our dorm tried to make the most out of the day by having a movie marathon. A marathon that comprised with 2-3 movies, movies about love and friendship… Shakespeare in Love and One More Chance.

Hello world!

Hi. I’m new in blogging but my thoughts are not. It keeps bugging everytime.